To those who feel like here is sexist, why not beginning your personal blog of concepts. well, one, it’s titled ‘for teenage ladies’, and matlab author attempted their best so one can create engineering comprehensive list. I could say some of these are more actions to aim than activities I’m not quite sure which you could turn making cake pops or learning to braid into engineering full fledged interest but I think this list is engineering good beginning to engineering road to selecting engineering hobby. Or even just an recreation to do when bored. thx for thisIf here’s too sexist for all of you then just see engineering alternative online page. Instead of yelling at matlab writer, I’d like to thank them for matlab time they spent to create this post, matlab helped me engineering lot!I was looking for events and saw this. doi:10. 1108/17538370910991124Lindstrom L. and Jeffries R. 2004. Extreme programming and agile application advancement methodologies. Information Systems Management 213 41 52.