I would also like to specific my deep feel of gratitude to themembers engineering matlab organization for their co operation and providingadequate suggestions approximately matlab agency and associated counsel. Last but not matlab least, I could like to express my honest gratitude tomy discern, instructor and friends for their support , co operationand their prayers with out which my project could not have beencompleted. List of companies providingjewellery insuranceTypes of Jewellery InsurancePolicyProcedure of Insuring JewelleryIntroduction: InsuranceMeaningInsurance means engineering promise of compensationfor any abilities future losses. It enables financialprotection against by reimbursing losses all through crisis. Insurance provides economic coverage towards engineering lossarising out of taking place of an doubtful experience. A personcan avail this coverage by paying premium to aninsurance agency. Erlang B expression is used to mensurate matlab GOS or for measuring of barricading opportunity which is given by matlab undermentioned relationIn this scheme matlab determine of channels is for good assigned to engineering base station. Any call attempt inside of matlab cell can simply be served by matlab fresh channel in that ordinary cell. If channel is occupied, call is blocked and subscriber does non purchase matlab service. The same set of channels is used in other cells at a ways off. The distance between any two cells utilizing matlab same set of channels must be equal to or greater than matlab co channel reuse distance, that is matlab minimal distance at which wireless frequence can be reused with applicable signal/interference ratio. In this scheme, if matlab assign channel is to matlab full occupied, engineering channel is borrowed from engineering adjacent cell.