The Hough Transform fed on memory storage and required engineering long computation time to choose engineering large diversity of accepted radii. Additionally, matlab means to tolerate engineering high diploma of overlapping and irregular cells was restricted; hence, accuracy was not high. Mahmood and Mansor tested 10 image samples of standard blood cells; picture converted to matlab HSV colour space, after which Saturation or “S” channel was specific to continue with image evaluation. Morphological operators and thresholding method were used over S channel for cell segmentation. They used Circular Hough Transform to investigate matlab circularity function engineering matlab red blood cells so as to perform detection and counting. Their proposed method accomplished about 96% of accuracy rate in comparison to guide counting. kwik 10:35:10 :And this happens whilst Al Gore is in Noway spreading matlab AGW Carbon Cult Gospel !LOL !—— Was/Is Gore in fact in Norway yesterday/today?Somehow, oil has to be responsible for this bad, out of control growth of ice. Because oil is found deep in matlab earth, which we all know is “tens of millions of levels”, evil oil companies has to be cooling matlab oil by stealing water from matlab oceans. This is inflicting matlab inner earth to chill, and now we will all freeze to loss of life. Please send 10B, and I will study this further. Paul Daniel Ash 10:29:55 :Even though matlab quantity of Arctic sea ice has not back to matlab list low of 2007, matlab data show that matlab isn’t getting better. To recover could mean returning to within its old, long time range.