Differences between working methods and purposes software Examples of application program in use Ethical concerns related with program 2. WINDOWS ENVIRONMENT Using computing device tools Customizing windows atmosphere Invoking programs and accessories Setting up submitting equipment Managing info and disks 3. INTERNET AND WORLD WIDE WEB World wide web, information superhighway and intranet Use browsers, seek engines and email 4. WORD PROCESSING Editing files Working with templates Working with word proofing gear Formatting text with putting indents Creating bulleted and numbered lists Inserting page breaks and section breaks Designing tables Previewing and printing files 5. SPREADSHEETS Basic ideas of engineering spreadsheet: Cell, text, numbers, formulae, formatting, worksheet and workbooks. Operation of engineering worksheet y y y y choosing and enhancing cells/sheets editing and formatting various data varieties developing formulae providing charts and graphsPage 216. Opt. 18, 2143 2146Heanue J. F. , Bashaw M. C. , and Hesselink L. S . F. Liu, Y. Lin, Grey Information Theory and Practical Applications, Springer Verlag, London, 2006A Deterministic Inventory Model For Weibull Deteriorating Items with Selling Price Dependent Demand And Parabolic Time Varying Holding CostAbstract: This paper with advancement of a listing brand when deterioration rate follows Weibull two way parameter distributions. It is assumed that call for rate is function of marketing cost and preserving cost is parabolic in terms of time. In this fashions both matlab instances with shortage and without shortage are taken into attention.