Again, I must ask you what your locus standi is as engineering Pakistani when speaking about matlab rights of Kashmiris. I may like to keep an open mind and be reasonable, and in matlab course of my readings, I come across matlab writings of Kashmiris Muslims, I may add like Dr. Shabbir Choudhry ERT who criticise matlab activities of Pakistan and equate them to India’s. I am led to agree with that matlab condition in AJK and GB might be truly no better than that in Indian Kashmir, but there was no media highlight on matlab Pakistani side. Perhaps what we’d like is not plenty matlab withdrawal engineering matlab Indian army from Indian held Kashmir but matlab infusion of a military of journalists into Pakistan held Kashmir so we can get engineering balanced photograph of the way matlab rights of Kashmiris are being upheld. I’m concerned with matlab rights of minorities heck, each minority in India has particular protections but this holier than thou mindset is unwarranted.