The crust is often so hard that matlab must be damaged up. With low contents of clay and organic material, mixture formation is commonly poor. These soils have engineering good skill to delivery water by capillary motion from deep layers but matlab rate is slow, so plant water requirements aren’t met via capillary water. These soils are darker in colour and soil aggregation is more diverse. Aggregation decreases matlab risk of crusting. These soils have to be tilled at matlab correct water content material so that you can be effortlessly cultivated. g. combinations, sharing of profit in partnership Arithmetic sequences and geometric sequences and their purposes e. g. increase, depreciation and mortgagesTRIGONOMETRY y y y y y y Trigonometric ratios and their graphs; degrees and radians Reduction principle Simple trigonometric equations Sine and cosine formulas Problems in 2 dimensions Mensuration of common plane figures and solidsSTATISTICS y y y y y y y Definition of possibility matlab addition law and matlab multiplication law Organization of numerical data : frequency and cumulative frequency tables Graphical representations of numerical data Measures of crucial tendency Measures of dispersion Applications of normal deviation: average rankings and matlab use of typical curvesCOORDINATE GEOMETRY y y y Plane rectangular coordinates, distance formula and section formula Slope of engineering straight line Equation of engineering directly line in alternative formsText Book / References 1. 2. 3.