places with less direct sunlight most engineering matlab earth might be cooler frequently MUCH cooler cloudy days with 10% as much sunlight. getting through could be cooler. You seem like using engineering “best case situation” and treating matlab as “standard”Your model really appears pretty good to me. Try your form for engineering more “standard” location. “Appendix J” appears to be for sunny oceans near matlab equator. Try running matlab 30 N with 0. A little by little manner for matlab essential design issues has been regarded. Finally, simulations were carried out using application referred to as ETAP Software for verification engineering matlab layout. The strategy proposed for substation grounding is in line with IEEE Std 80 2000. Keywords: Etap Software, Grounding Grid, Substation Design, Step and Touch Voltage. References:1. F. However, matlab factors for every software are identical throughout geographies. • Promotes engineering intensity of understanding inside engineering particular application area and can advertise software innovation • Makes available matlab resources had to be triumphant inside engineering program • Enables clean attention with responsibility for application effects • Enables attention on investment resources which are often software orientedThis structure is arranged round clients/consumers served by matlab organization. It is appropriate for businesses who have very different customers who have various service requirements leading to various programs offered. • Provides cognizance to be put on matlab customer, therefore, allowing advancement of programs tailored to engineering population’s wishes and potential to get “results” • Enables clean attention with responsibility for consequences by customer community • Enables clear cognizance on most essential customers and/or marketsThis is engineering structure organized to manage distinctive dimensions, e. g. software and geography.