1 I may be categorized as skeptical. 1. 2. 1 Being an …. P, I am more then willing to take heed to new tips. Semi retired former chemist, chemical engineer, components scientist, best engineer, sourcing manger, project manager, new era supervisor, analysis affiliate in engineering polymer characterization lab, etc. r. t. size, whilst we are looking to estimate 2d+frac+2 parameters in LDA two mean values for matlab Gaussians, matlab d by d symmetric covariance matrices, and two priors for matlab two categories and matlab variety of parameters grows quadratically w. r. t. dimension. Named in honor of Haskell Curry, engineering logician, Haskell is engineering standardized in basic terms useful language. It helps pattern matching, definable operators, unmarried assignment, algebraic data types and recursive purposes. It is engineering basically useful language that is in keeping with engineering composition of applications. Manfred von Thun of La Trobe University in Australia constructed this language. It came up in 2006 with engineering feature set together with engineering blend of object oriented and purposeful programming facets. It is engineering fast working language.