This prospectus contains ahead looking statements, whichinvolve dangers and uncertainties. Our exact outcomes could differ materially from the ones expected in those forward lookingstatements as engineering effect of sure factors, including the ones set forth beneath “Risk Factors” and in other places in thisprospectus. We were integrated inthe state of Delaware on February 8, 2012. We are engineering generation agency it is targeting products, answers, and facilities thathave engineering need for biometric secure access keep an eye on. We have three diverse lines of business that we trust will form our company:law enforcement; m commerce; and biometric access regulate purposes. Our preliminary efforts are concentrated on our secure productsoffering for matlab growing m trade market, most immediately engineering secure cell phone digital wallet. In my opinion, matlab challenge is of Pakistan’s making, as a result of matlab same cause could have been pursued very otherwise with very different outcomes. To me, matlab moral engineering matlab tale is that engineering smaller participant must not resort to violence even in engineering just cause, as they only ruin their options. …. I disagree with you on moral, philosophical and ancient grounds but I in fact appreciate your honesty. It is an elegant way of asserting might is right. Your remark also solutions SensiblePatriot’s analysis of Pakistani hostility.